Getting Started
Quick Start Guide
Last Updated: December 22, 2024In this quick intro guide, we will walk you through the basics of how to use API Widgets to convert your JSON data into something cool. Step 1: Connect data & select format Visit the Converter by going here: Select the source of your JSON (can be an API or a JSON file) and...
What does API Widgets do?
Last Updated: December 20, 2024API Widgets is a no-code tool that allows you to visualize JSON data by turning JSON data into a Chart, Table or custom HTML. The JSON can come directly from a JSON file, or you can connect to a JSON API. You can then easily embed that Chart, Table or HTML into your own website...
What is a Widget
Last Updated: December 19, 2024A Widget is a web component that can be added to a website. In our case, the Widget will either be a Chart, a Table or HTML depending on what you have chosen to create. When creating a new Widget, you simply select the type of Widget you want to create – Chart, Table or...
Creating a new Widget
Last Updated: December 23, 2024To create a new Widget, you simply need to click on the Converter link at the top of the page and you will be taken to the JSON ConverterĀ page. Once on this page, there are a few configuration options: Select what you want to convert your JSON into – Table, Chart (line chart, bar chart...
How to embed a Widget
Last Updated: December 12, 2024After you have created your Widget and you are happy with how it looks and functions, the next step is to embed it on your website. The process is the same for a Chart, Table and HTML. You simply need to click the Publish button and you will see a popup that looks something like...
Display API data on website
Last Updated: December 22, 2024This article will show us how to display API data on a website and look at various formats we can use such as displaying API data as a chart, displaying API data as a Table and displaying API data as HTML on a website. We will use the JSON API Converter to format the API...